Monday, December 14, 2009

Another Post (Pictures to come!)

Well, I've decided it's time for me to post again. The baby is asleep and Afton is watching Cars, so that gives me a few minutes to get some things done. First, I just had some pictures that I've been wanting to post so we'll see if I can't get them up on here.

We've all been adjusting to our new life as a family of four. It's been amazing, for the most part. There have been only a couple of almost sleepless nights but overall it's wonderful. Reesa is a great baby, but loves to be held and it's hard for me to resist. Most weeks the house is a mess and Afton gets to be her independent self. Reesa is now three weeks old and I can't wait to see how much cuter she's gonna get. She's 9 lbs and a happy, healthy baby.

Afton is amazing and very helpful, although she is getting to the terrible two's. The other day she almost had me in tears, the baby was screaming and Afton was oblivious to what I was wanting her to do. (Or so she acted that way!) She does like to hold Reesa every once and a while, but mostly loves hanging out with Daddy. Tad's happy that he finally gets a daughter who likes to spend more time with him than with Mommy. I love having Momma's girls but it's been so cute to watch Afton with Tad. I had to drop him off the other day and Afton just started crying when he left. She loves Daddy! I've been meaning to start one of those journals with all the cute sayings your kids say because the other day we were watching Santa Claus and she asked me who it was. I said, "That's Santa, Afton." She quibs, "No, dat's not Santa, seowly (aka "silly"). Another cute story: Yesterday was our Christmas program for church and Tad and I were both in the choir so she sat with some friends. Halfway through I looked down at her and she pointed up to me and said quite loudly, "Mommy's singing!" So cute!!

Other Afton sayings: "Peace out." (said with a lisp)

"Mommy, it's Baby Reesa's paci."

"Reesa, it's a paci."

"Daddy, it's Baby Reesa's paci." (Most of the time she picks out some object to tell each of us about."

And of course she's always randomly singing about Poppy or Lela or Grammy.

Other news, this weekend we will be leaving for sunny CALIFORNIA! I love the snow but it will be nice to not have to worry about the baby being out in the freezing cold. Christmas in warm weather is always a little different but it will be nice to visit with Tad's family. Almost everyone will be there at some point during the holiday, so we're excited. We'll also be blessing the baby down there since so many of his family will be there. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures.

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone! I'll post again after Christmas!

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