Going back...way back to Thanksgiving. I have pictures from Thanksgiving and so I should probably get them on here, huh? It was a ton of fun. Tad's family had a family reunion in Brianhead, Utah. I had been there once before after our wedding on the way back to Rexburg. I remember it being a long drive up the mountain, but it was beautiful. It is still the same, except this time we had snow. Tad's sister-in-law's family owns a condo (or two) up there and that's where we all stayed. It was so amazingly beautiful, with all the wood, the fireplace, all the family, and snow outside. I felt like I was on some Hallmark Hall of Fame movie. We stayed there for about 5 days. We all played games, sat around and talked and there was a lot of snowboarding/skiing. I went snowboarding for the first time and almost was responsible for the unfortunate deaths of my brother-in-law and three other strangers. Some think that snowboarding is the hard part, little do they know. That part was hard to get a hold of, but it didn't take very long. The hard part is the lift. The lift? Yes, the lift. I had a hard time not falling and my second try up was almost deathly. I prepare myself to get off the lift. I am in the middle between Tad and Russell. Well, unfortunately Russ is goofy footed and was unaware of my stumbling, so I crashed into him. Before I could get up and regain my pride the three guys behind us, pro's by the look of them, crashed right into me and Russell. One guy apparently toppled over me, according to Tad. (He stood by watching the whole thing.) Poor guy hurt his wrist but I was okay, physically. My third run up, the lift operators learned to watch for me. She signaled me a thumbs up and said, "I gotcha!" Thankfully, everyone knew to watch out for me after that. It was quite the experience, but I loved it. It was fun to have Tad there teaching me and encouraging me. He was so good to me and good to watch! ;) What a Thanksgiving!
Afton loving the peas!

Oh my gosh Cara!! Do you remember me? Crystal Murdock, I was your neighbor on Alder. How's your family? Tell them hi! Your little girl is so stinking cute!
Wow Afton is getting SOOO big!
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