Afton's birthday turned out pretty good. I had invited a few friends to come over in the afternoon. Unfortunately, Tad's co-worker couldn't cover for him, so it was a little rushed, but that's okay. We woke up and started the decorating and the frosting. Tad ran to the store to get last minute things and everyone came. We had pizza and lemonade for lunch, then opened presents. Afton got a Mr. Potato head from Joe and Leah, a punch-bag penguin that sings from the Hercules, a school bus walker from Grammy and Grampy, a piano toy from Great Grandmother, $20 to invest in a savings account from Grandma and Grandpa D, and a farming toy from Mommy and Daddy. We ate some cake that I had decorated that morning and then all played games. It was fun and wasn't too bad to clean up after. She loved all her toys. After she took a nap, I was rocking her and asked her if she wanted to go play with all her new toys. She looks down the hall, and points to where her toys were. She's a little smartie! We love her! and are so grateful that we have her in our lives. She is such a blessing! We love you, Afton!
November 8
8 years ago
SO super cute!! Happy birthday Afton!!
Happy Birthday Afton!! It was so much fun celebrating your big day with you! We have loved all the time that we have been able to spend with you in this last year!
Uncle Joey and Aunt Leah!
Happy birthday Afton! She is just the cutest little girl! Seriously, she just gets funnier every day! I love that sweet thing!
Aunt Meagan
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