Monday, February 8, 2010

Baring All

Well, here's a couple more pictures. Apparently they didn't upload earlier. The bottom one was hilarious. I noticed her wedgie style diaper and couldn't help but take a picture. This one was getting ready for church.
Also, I think it's time to start potty training. I the past three days, I can't even count how many times she would take off her diaper. I had sent her to her room the other day for time-out and I came in to find a naked child...completely naked. She thinks it's great. I had bought some undies for her recently because I thought I'd start soon. I guess it's just sooner than I thought. So far, not much luck, but we'll see how it goes.


The Hardy Things in Life said...

Love the wedgie!! The girls are so cute!!

Leah and Joe said...

Afton looks so grown up with her little bangs!
Good to see you discovered the REAL use for the boppy! Reesa looks so much cuter wearing it than Tad did!!

Sean & Meagan said...

I'm sure she's going to love that but picture when she's older...

Anonymous said...

oh yeah her little ass is ready forcock, love some nakedpics of her mom