So I've been back for a couple weeks now and decided I just should probably blog all my pictures from the trip. However, I looked back on my camera and realized I didn't take any of the beach or playing on the beach and my mom and dad aren't in hardly any of mine. That means the Jaunty Jensens need to blog soon too so everyone can see all the better pictures.
Anyway, we loved our vacation and were very grateful that we were able to go and spend so much time with family. Poor Tad was as happy as we were but hopefully next time we will be able to have him with us. Who knows maybe we'll be living a little bit closer the next time we go visit.
This was the rundown--we traveled pretty much all day and got to Atlanta at 1:00 am. Needless to say, we were all exhausted. The next couple weeks were spent in preparation for the wedding, Leisha and Jon's endowment, doing the bridal shower and teaching Afton everyone's names. Then we headed down to Orlando where we stayed in a hotel for a night so we could be close to the temple. The next day was the wedding and we loved it all--except for the extreme heat! The temple was gorgeous as was the bride. (The groom was as bad looking as I thought he was going to be! Just kidding, Jon!) They looked happy in love and were glowing from head to toe. The ceremony was beautiful. The pictures were the hard part because we were all sweating after being outside for 2 minutes. Jon was pretty anxious to get out of there too, but that's understandable. After the wedding we headed to Vero Beach, a couple hours away, where the beach house was. It was a beautiful home just a few steps from the beach, but after a while, we started to creep ourselves out with this chinese room they had. Jon and Leisha joined us there after a week of their honeymoon. We then headed back up to Atlanta after a week and a half at the beach. It was amazing. When we got back we prepared for the reception which turned out pretty good! I think we were all surprised how perfect it ended up. A few days later, Afton and I were on our way home.
We still don't know what we are going to do for sure, but the plan is for Tad to take the GMAT in the fall and then we apply for grad schools in Austin, Washington, and Provo. Until then who knows but we'll take whatever comes at us. We're glad to be all back together and are expecting to find out the gender of our new little one on the 24 this month. Thanks for everyone's congratulations; we are very excited. We think it's a boy so comment and leave some ideas for names anytime!! We hope are your summers are going good! Happy 4th of July!!
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